
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Well my first week at these goals went pretty bad. I think part of the problem was that I wrote them down on the blog but didn't write them down where I could see them everyday. I need that. I need to actually write it down day after day to drill it in. So that said, that will be added to my list for the next week. 


1. Read 2 chapters aloud of Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know to Emily. I began this a few months back and she really enjoyed the stories but as summer progressed this ritual fell by the wayside.

I am removing this from my list mainly because Emily reads on her own in the evening and I am reading to her aloud from the Greek Myths. It is a time constraint thing. Once the myths are completed I wsill move onto this. 

2. Read 1-2 stories from D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths. Sadly children do not learn of these great stories anymore. I think Emily will love them!!

3. Work on touchpad with Sarah. My youngest has a genetic disorder that includes a gross developmental delay so we are working on communication skills with her. This includes a touchpad with simple command such a yes, no, eat and down

This was just a huge fail on my part. Will be a priority this week. 

4. Sit with Emily while she does her homework. She has a tendency to get distracted but last week when I sat next to her she did so much better. No complaints, no dragging her feet. Yes, she is 10 and she should be able to do this on her own, but I can spare 15 - 20 minutes for her. Worth the compromise I think.

Another huge fail, though Emily is getting much better on her own. 


1. Exercise 6 days a week. This includes running it least 3 of those days. 

2. Get my book list together and read a real book - it least 15 minutes a day. This does not include cookbooks!! Nothing against cookbooks but I tend to skim those. As far as my booklist goes - I have so many on the kindle right now I need to categorize and organize what I want and need to read. 

3. Get to bed by 10:30 this week. I usually make my way upstairs by 10 but end up fiddling around until 11 or so. And yes - I used the word fiddling. We all should


1. Menu plan by Friday this weekSince I have been working more on weekend this is going by the wayside. So I need to prep ahead of time for this.

2. Work on cleaning the basement it east 30 minutes 3x this week. My basement is a complete mess - it looks like a WMD went off down there. It's so bad that I can not even begin to know where to start so it completely discourages me. 

3. Bake, bag & freeze it least 3 dozen cookies for future fundraiser. 

4. Create my home cleaning schedule. I need to find one that will fit with my now increase weekend work schedule and daughters new swim season schedule. 

5. Have sink cleared before bed. This is a problem for me. I absolutely hate waking up to a sink full of dishes so this needs to be corrected.

6. Make sure counters are cleared before bed. Once again - this is a lazy clutter problem on my part. I think I will need something so I leave it out....duh it'll take me 15 seconds to grab it from the cupboard! 

This weeks goals:


1. Read 1-2 stories from D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths

2. Work on touchpad with Sarah. 

3. Sit with Emily while she does her homework. 


1. Exercise 6 days a week.  

2. Get my book list together and read a real book - it least 15 minutes a day. 

3. Get to bed by 10:30 this week.


1. Menu plan by Friday this week. 

2. Work on cleaning the basement it east 30 minutes 3x this week. 

3. Create my home cleaning schedule.  

4. Have sink cleared before bed. 

5. Make sure counters are cleared before bed. 

6. Write goals down and refer to them everyday.

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